May 2017 - Oct. 2019
ATIO Group


T he client is a technology company focused on fuel management and distribution for vehicles and devices. Their goal was to simplify invoicing and provide mobile access to inventory data through two mobile applications.

Process & Results

Project Overview: Ulfix was tasked with developing two mobile apps: one for electronic invoicing and another for displaying sales and inventory information on a dashboard. The apps were built for both iOS and Android and aimed to improve accessibility for customers and administrators. Solution: Ulfix worked closely with the client, starting with a kick-off meeting to define objectives, platforms, and scope. They developed the user interfaces, implemented backend integrations, and collaborated with the client’s design and development teams. The apps were iterated through alpha, beta, and final versions before being launched in the app stores. Key Features:
  • Electronic Invoicing: Customers can issue fuel invoices anytime, anywhere.
  • Sales & Inventory Dashboard: Administrators can access real-time business information remotely.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Both apps were developed for iOS and Android for maximum accessibility.
Outcome: Both apps are live and functioning well in the app stores. Ownership of the code was transferred to the client’s internal development team, and the project generated additional business opportunities through new requirements from partners.
“This contractor is a company that continually seeks innovation in development methods and technological improvements.” – Jorge Tellez, Project Manager, ATIO Group