July, 2023
Business Consulting Company


T he client is a business consulting company specializing in solutions for event producers and promoters. Their Chief Product Officer (CPO) sought to develop an innovative ticketing platform that could evolve through different phases, from an MVP to incorporating AI features.

Process & Results

Project Overview: Ulfix was tasked with developing the Ticketing Platform MVP, which includes multiple user roles (admin and regular users), a ticket purchasing system, and a data export feature. The web app was designed to be user-friendly and scalable for future innovations. Solution: Ulfix’s development team of 2–5 members worked closely with the client to create the MVP. The platform included core features like multi-role access, digital ticket purchasing, and data export capabilities. Outcome: The MVP was delivered on time, and the client appreciated Ulfix’s attitude, culture, and strong project management, demonstrated through regular sprint demos and clear communication via virtual meetings and emails.
“We were most impressed with their attitude and culture.” – Jorge Robles, CPO